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Learn WHY Support Groups Are An Effective Way To Treat Depression

We all want to be heard, don’t we? We want someone beside us to support us through our downs. It's very heart breaking when someone who is with us during our ups decides to go away when we are down just because they can’t understand what we feel or are going through. Isn't it disheartening when we get all the attention on social media while speaking openly about our depression but in real life no one besides our shadow is visible to us. Some may say, “Oh, she's doing it all for sympathy and attention”. I wonder how to make them understand how we feel and that we don't know how to get out of this black hole which just won’t stop pulling us inside with every passing second. We sometimes feel safer in the deep end of the pit than in the outer world.

Let me tell you, You are not alone, you can speak your heart out, you can find help and assistance and can choose to be a depression warrior. The choices you make for yourself are the most important. That little step may take courage at first, but once you start there's no looking back.

People suffering from depression yearn for a safe area to pour their ideas and souls out. In such a situation, a Depression Support Group offers a safe area for you to share personal stories, express feelings, and be heard in an environment of acceptance, understanding, and support. People in a support group strengthen and empower themselves by assisting others.

The Benefits of Joining a Depression Support Group

  • Support groups for Depression encourage people to work on their own concerns.

  • Members are treated as equals; peer-to-peer assistance allows members to feel considerably more comfortable discussing their difficulties.

  • Talking to others in online depression support groups decreases anxiety, boosts self-esteem, and enhances members' general feeling of well-being.

  • Being surrounded by individuals who are dealing with similar challenges diminishes the sense of isolation.

  • Depression support continually urges you to try harder every day to become a better version of yourself.

  • Some depression support groups also give insightful and instructive information on mental health and depression in general.

What do researchers have to say about support groups?

According to studies, being a part of a support group helped the individual feel less socially isolated, they had an emotional connection with other users, and they were encouraged by others' transparency about their depression experiences. Some participants believed that the online support groups had contributed to depression appearing to be a common, universal experience, which they found soothing. Participants also thought that anonymity allowed them to express themselves more freely. This demonstrates that participants find it simpler to converse with people who do not have previous notions about them (Breuer & Barker, 2015, 1-8).

According to a new study, having a strong connection to a social group helps clinically depressed individuals recover and prevents relapse (Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 2014).

According to studies, evidence-based group CBT for depression may be provided in regular care settings with good effects (Antonsen & Thimm, n.d., 014-292).

Togetherness and Peer Support

Peer recovery support is defined as non-clinical peer assistance, which include activities that engage, educate, and facilitate the individual while they make the required modifications to recover from any mental illnesses. “A fine glass vase goes from treasure to trash, the moment it is broken. Fortunately, something else happens to you and me. Pick up your pieces. Then, help me gather mine.”― Vera Nazarian.

Peer support is vital in depression support groups, and a compassionate, empathic group makes any depression support group successful. Online support groups are a great benefit in this day and age of social media and the internet for raising mental health knowledge and perception. If the support group's belief is strong, they will be able to overcome any obstacle.

EduPsych’s ‘You Can Talk about Depression’ Support Group

  • Offers you the opportunity to speak with someone who cares about you.

  • They deliver therapist-led group sessions to make it easier to manage your depression.

  • We also give video recaps and printable worksheets to assist you in investing in your mental wellbeing on a daily basis.

  • We provide you with bi-weekly journal prompts to assist you in re-defining your relationship with depression.

  • Access to a carefully chosen, discrete network of other people who have suffered from depression.

Click here to be a part of the 'You Can Talk about Depression' Support Group.



Antonsen, L., & Thimm, J. C. (n.d.). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy for depression in routine practice. BMC Psychiatry volume, 14(2014), 014 - 292.

Breuer, L., & Barker, C. (2015). Online Support Groups for Depression. SAGE Open, (April-June 2015), 1-8.

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. (2014, March 19th). Social groups alleviate depression. ScienceDaily.


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