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Atulya Gangaraju EduPsych Psychologist

Atulya Gangaraju

Clinical Psychologist

Hi! I'm Atulya. I am a psychologist. Apart from psychology, I am also passionate about animals, dogs in particular. I also doodle a little and strongly believe music to be therapeutic in a way. I am very passionate about helping people as I believe that it is never too late to seek help and that it's okay to not be okay, I am here for you! 


I have always been curious about how and why people behave and react in the way they do. This, along with the fact that I was not too good with people management myself has pushed me towards taking up Psychology as a subject in college and falling in love with the subject ever since. It has not only helped me become a better person but also helped me understand the people around me as well as my passion and drive to be there for my people. I am also extremely interested in animal behaviour, specifically that of dogs and would love to include them in my practice.


  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Lifestyle Disorders

  • Personality Disorders

  • Relationship and Marital conflicts

  • Anger Management

Languages Spoken

  • Telugu

  • Hindi

  • English


  • MSc in Clinical Psychology


  • Practising since 2021


  • Monday to Friday 11:00 a.m. IST to 08:00 p.m. IST

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